If you don't have R (version 4.4.0 or higher) on your computer, please first install R.
Starting up ArrayAnalysis for the first time might take some time, because all packages still need to be installed. Don't worry! The second time you run the app, it will be way faster!
Use the following R code to install ArrayAnalysis:
# install "remotes" package
# Install ArrayAnalysis from GitHub
Use the following R code to run ArrayAnalysis:
# Run ArrayAnalysis
Starting up ArrayAnalysis for the first time might take some time,
because all packages still need to be installed. Don't worry! The second time you run the app, it will be way faster!
If you haven't installed Docker Desktop on your computer, please first install Docker Desktop.
Pull the ArrayAnalysis image with the following command:
docker pull jarnokoetsier/arrayanalysis
Run ArrayAnalysis with the following command:
docker run -d --rm -p 3838:3838
If you don't have R (version 4.4.0 or higher) on your computer, please first install R.
You can download the ArrayAnalysis zip file here. Unzip the file.
Use the following R code to run ArrayAnalysis:
# Run ArrayAnalysis
Starting up ArrayAnalysis for the first time might take some time,
because all packages still need to be installed. Don't worry! The second time you run the app, it will be way faster!